Monday, 13 July 2020

Cellulite Massage Therapy - An Effective and Painless Way to Combat Cellulite

Dimples on cheeks appeal to all, but dimples on the surface of skin on various parts of our body aren't appealing. And women can feel it! The problem of cellulite is common in women. Cellulite creates bumpy "orange peel" texture on the affected areas due to expansion of fat cells that accumulate underneath the skin and fibrous bands which run perpendicularly to the skin surface. The small bulges created due to enlarged fat cells while the tight fibrous bands cause puckering.

And one of the best ways to get rid of these unappealing dimply skin is cellulite massage therapy. Anti-cellulite massager offers stimulating and refreshing experience with some intensifying moments. Cellulite massage therapy works by releasing the areas where cellulite commonly appears, the natural healing process of the body gets engaged resulting in release of the problem areas by smoothing the skin and boosting up self-confidence.

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Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Tips for Getting Rid of Swollen Feet at the Comfort of Home

Swollen feet and ankles can be at times painful and at times painless. Painless swelling happens for several reasons.  Some of the causes behind swollen feet include standing for a long time, wearing ill-fitting shoes, lifestyle factors, pregnancy and certain medical conditions.

When does swelling of feet occur?

Swelling of feet occurs when fluid gets accumulated in the tissues, which is called edema. While edema can get resolved on its own, there are certain home remedies that can help in reducing the swelling more quickly and make you feel comfortable. Let us check out a few below -

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Swollen Feet
  • Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day

It might seem counterintuitive, but intake of enough fluid helps in reducing the swelling. The science behind it is, when our body is not hydrated enough, it holds onto the fluid it already have.  And this fluid accumulation leads to swelling. So make it a habit to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

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